Trojan virus definition

Trojan virus definition

In computers, a Trojan horse is a program in which malicious or damaging code is contained inside apparently harmless programming or data in like a way that it can get control also do its chosen form of damage, like as ruining the file allocation table on the hard disk. In one famous case, a Trojan horse was a program that was guessed to identify and destroy computer viruses.

Trojan virus definition

A Trojan horse maybe generally redistributed as piece of a computer virus.
The label comes from Greek mythology about the Trojan War, as told in the Aeneid by Virgil also mentioned in the Odyssey by Homer”. Consistent with legend, the Greeks presented the citizens of Troy with a large wooden horse in which they had secretly hidden their warriors. Throughout the night, the warriors emerged from the wooden horse and overran the city.

If you work on a computer frequently, that time you might be aware about Trojan horse virus and its affect on your computer. It is a virus, which gets added to many files in your computer and programs that you download from internet. The basic characteristic of this virus is that once it gets a way into your computer it starts destroying the files secretly. This is created in the form of helpful software, but it poses several difficulties for your computer.

The basic difference amid a normal computer virus also a Trojan horse is that it is not definitely developed for distribution them. Trojan horse virus is downloaded both as an affected file from internet. This virus is able of stealing end user information also downloading other malware to a computer too.

 To attack with this deceitful virus, your computer is capable of with firewall besides you can also install antivirus software in your system. But, an antivirus is not always effective against Trojan horse, thus at that example the way out of the problem is to delete Trojan horse virus manually.

Many examples of threats by Trojans are as follows:
 Cancel, overwrite or corrupt data on a computer--
 Aid to spread other malware like as viruses.--
 Deactivate or interfere with anti-virus also firewall programs--
 Let remote access to your computer.--
Upload also download files without your knowledge--
 Slow down, restart or shut down your computer--
 Re-install them after being disabled--
 Disable the task manager--
Disable the control panel--
if you see above to your computer ,then your computer is infected.

Trojan virus definition Trojan virus definition Reviewed by abofarhan on 12:28 PM Rating: 5

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